Fostering community blue entrepreneurship in Croatia


Lastovo, Croatia

July 2020 – October 2022

Official project name

Blue Business Incubator

Affiliation project

Incubator – Blue Entrepreneurship Development in Mediterranean MPAs




Project background

The community of Lastovo Island, Croatia

Similar to other remote Mediterranean islands, Croatia’s island of Lastovo faces significant socioeconomic and environmental challenges as a result of its isolation, including waste management, overfishing, rural exodus, and tourism-induced ecosystem degradation.

The existence of numerous endemic species and Lastovo’s rich cultural and historical legacy serve as examples of the island’s distinctive character. The archipelago was designated a nature park in 2006 because of its remarkable landscapes and unique biodiversity.

Our on-site diagnosis brought to light a significant social problem: a general unfavorable opinion of the marine park has been exacerbated by a lack of communication and the park’s reliance on political shifts. Some fishers, who thought of the park as merely a restricted area, particularly shared this opinion.

In order to give the local population a sense of involvement in biodiversity protection, the Blue Business Incubator has promoted the development of high-impact entrepreneurial initiatives.


Improvements in the community


entrepreneurs supported

in their ideation and trained in project management in the fields of agriculture, tourism, waste management, handicrafts, and fisheries


fishers’ and farmers’ cooperative created

to promote exchange, sustainable practices and sales opportunities

acceptance of the local marine park

by encouraging better communication among community members

Our achievements

A blue business incubator

We created the Blue Business Incubator as a community business incubator to reestablish ties between local communities and marine conservation stakeholders. Its objective was to promote the growth of eco-friendly microbusinesses to involve the community in preserving the marine and coastal biodiversity in the area.

In 2019, the first incubator was established in Lastovo in collaboration with WWF Adria and the Croatian Cooperative for Ethical Financing ZEF.

The Lastovo incubator addressed the pressing need to restore communication between the different stakeholders and encourage social acceptance of the nearby nature park, in addition to fostering the preservation of the marine and coastal ecosystems.

Our achievements

The entrepreneurs
we supported


Rental of
electric bikes

Mila Blaskovic


Helena and Ivici Lesic


Marijo Backo

Waste management

Toni Vodanovic

of olive oil

Annete and Zoltan
Mufić Trojković

Boat building

Ivan Jurica

of farmers
and fishers



Nataša and
Željko Bokor

Our achievements

A two-fold technical and financial support for entrepreneurs

Eight entrepreneurs joined the incubator with a wide range of projects, including waste recovery, soft mobility, green tourism, sustainable agriculture and fishing, and the preservation of traditional knowledge.

The Blue Business Incubator’s operations were founded on two types of support: technical and financial. The former offers project management training to entrepreneurs, while the latter is based on the establishment of a revolving fund that offers low-interest microcredits to entrepreneurs. In exchange, business owners had to use this money to make their project more sustainable.

The Blue Business Incubator has enhanced cooperation and synergies between entrepreneurs. It has facilitated communication between unrelated community members and created a unique dynamic around environmental preservation and sustainable development.

The Blue Business Incubator in pictures

This is a staging enviroment

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