Assessing the needs of Mediterranean mooring zone project managers


French Mediterranean

January 2023 – September 2023

Official project name

Assessment of the Difficulties, Obstacles and Needs of Public and Private Project Developers on the French Mediterranean Coast in the Implementation and Management of Mooring and Light Equipment Zones



Project background

The impact of anchoring by boaters in the Mediterranean

Recreational boating in the Mediterranean is a growing industry, and the last 15 years have seen crafts getting bigger. With 421,374 registered sailings in 2020, the Mediterranean represents 40 per cent of the French metropolitan fleet. The adverse impact on underwater biodiversity linked to the anchoring of recreational boats is considerable.

Often, the depth of the seabed in locations where boats moor up is the same depth at which seagrass flourishes. These seagrass meadows, which have protected status owing to their important role in keeping the marine ecosystem in balance, are easily harmed by the drag of anchors and chains along the seabed.

Project background

Mooring zones: a solution for conservation

Among the proposed solutions, ZMEL (Mooring and Light Equipment Zones) would appear to be an effective choice in many sites feeling the pressure of recreational boating. These are zones where mooring buoys have been installed in such a way as to enable visitors to moor their boats in an environmentally friendly way. Usually, the management of a ZMEL is outsourced to a municipality or federation of municipalities.

On France’s Mediterranean coast, there are already some 30 mooring zone projects in operation. Nevertheless, some feedback from project leaders indicates that there are barriers at various levels, from set up-related issues (the project’s political, legal and technical viability) to management issues (concerning financial viability and technical maintenance).

BlueSeeds and its partners shone a light on various issues, including problems related to governance and the management and profitability of the ZMEL model, as well as legal and regulatory barriers.

Our achievements

Identifying the needs of mooring zone project initiators

With a view to proposing an action plan to speed up the implementation of mooring zones on the Mediterranean coast, WWF France and its partners conducted a study to assess the problems, hindrances and needs identified by project leaders, both public and private, in relation to implementing and managing their ZMEL.

The study was launched in coordination with the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) and the region’s water agency, with the support of the French National Association of Coastal Elected Officials. A consortium of three consultancies, BlueSeeds, Créocéan and Belda Consultant, was selected to carry out the work. After a period of diagnostic work focused on gathering and analysing field data, the team produced a report with recommendations.

The study shone a light on various issues encountered by ZMEL project leaders in setting up and managing their mooring zone. These included problems related to governance and the management and profitability model, as well as legal and regulatory barriers. The report set out a number of recommendations to support the WWF’s work.

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