Training in Conservation Standards for a French conservation NGO


Marseille, France

November 2023

Official project name

Training Session on the Conservation Standards

Affiliation project




Project background

The Conservation Standards approach

Major conservation NGOs united with the aim of developing a common framework that could help define conservation goals, take effective conservation actions, and measure progress in reaching goals.

To this end, the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation were created to provide a clear, systematic approach to managing, monitoring, planning, and learning from past conservation efforts to optimise future efforts. The standards promote the use of best practices, prioritisation at various stages, testing of assumptions, and data sharing.

Project background

Integrating Conservation Standards into a conservation project

Implementing these standards involves 5 steps:

  • Conceptualisation: defining the desired state of conservation and creating a conceptual model of the system;
  • Planning: development of desired objectives and strategies, including conservation actions to achieve the objectives;
  • Action implementation and monitoring: The actions proposed in the previous step are implemented and monitored;
  • Analysis, data use and adapt: analysis of monitoring data to assess the effectiveness of proposed actions and adaptation of the conceptual model and actions;
  • and learning and sharing.

As and when the project evolves, the cycle starts over again. Thus, the Conservation Standards provide logical, clear, and a robust hierarchical structure from which to organize management action and track progress toward conservation project goals.

BlueSeeds helped the association Planète Mer find relevant and realistic indicators that will ultimately serve as success indicators for their projects.

Our achievements

Our certified CCNet training coach Timothée Cook

Timothée Cook, our Science Officer, is a Coach-in-Training with CCNET certification. He is qualified to assist conservation project teams in using the Conservations Standards process to create successful conservation plans and success metrics for various project phases.

In addition to promoting critical thinking in group projects, Timothée can assist conservation organisations in incorporating the best available scientific data into their initiatives.

He assists them in determining the ecosystems, communities, and organisms that the conservation project is aimed at, as well as their current context and the threats they face. He also helps in the creation of a budget and the definition the goals and essential components of the work plan, such as conservation activities to be performed, the individuals in charge, budgets and deadlines. He can help define methods for data collection and analysis, ways to communicate on results, and establish metrics to assess the effectiveness of strategies in order to adapt them overtime.

Our achievements

Our training programme in implementing Conservation Standards

The association Planète Mer has asked BlueSeeds to be trained in the implementation of Conservation Standards for their participatory conservation project BioLit and responsible fishing project PELA-Méd.

Their goal was to find relevant and realistic indicators that would ultimately serve as success indicators. They will enable better project monitoring and justify its impact to investors.

BlueSeeds has implemented a number of initiatives with the association members:

  • A general overview of conservation project management process in accordance with the Conservation Standards;
  • Situation analysis and recall of conservation strategies chosen by the association;
  • Co-construction of result chains from various strategies selected (theory of change);
  • And articulation of result chains one in relation to another.
This is a staging enviroment

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