
Find out about the progress of the projects we are working on, the results of our field missions and our thoughts on conservation.

On the field

September 30, 2019

Training mission for Tunisian NGOs

Our team went to Monastir in Tunisia to strengthen the financial planning skills of three assocations including Notre Grand Bleu, co-manager of the future marine and coastal protected area of the Kuriat Islands.


August 31, 2019

Intervention at the G7 Ocean Pavilion in Biarritz

BlueSeeds was present at the Ocean Pavilion of the 45th G7 summit to talk about marine conservation and MPA financing.


August 15, 2019

Any blue idea for a green island?

For the third time since May 2019, BlueSeeds has joined the WWF Adria team in Lastovo, Croatia to set up a Blue Local Incubator.


June 30, 2019

A multiplication of field missions!

The BlueSeeds team travelled extensively between April and June 2019 to strengthen our network of pilot sites and develop innovative technical solutions for conservation.


May 31, 2019

First BlueSeeds mission in Croatia

The BlueSeeds team went to the island of Lastovo in Croatia to work with the WWF Adria team on the development of a Small-Scale Fishery (SSF) project.


January 31, 2019

BlueSeeds participates in conservation finance forums

The BlueSeeds team had the opportunity to speak at two events on the theme of conservation finance.


July 9, 2018

BlueSeeds spoke on the Tunisian radio!

BlueSeeds was invited by the Notre Grand Bleu assocation to talk about its activities on a Tunisian radio station.

On the field

May 31, 2018

Support for the financial sustainability of the future MPA of Kuriat, Tunisia

BlueSeeds was in Monastir, Tunisia to support the association Notre Grand Bleu in the development of an efficient and sustainable financial strategy.
This is a staging enviroment

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