Common evolution of the HQWW – Whale Watching label
Our team and the MIRACETI association organized a meeting on the prospects for the development of High Quality Whale-Watching® certification and its financing.
A new support mission for a local NGO in Tunisia
Through its partnership with the CEPF (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund), BlueSeeds helped the Tunisian association Notre Grand Bleu to structure its 2020-2024 management strategy.
Results of the call for Blue Businesses
Our call for interests to join our Blue Local Incubator in Lastovo, Croatia resulted in 21 entrepreneur applications to work on the idea of a sustainable island!
Business plan for Maltese MPAs
Upon the request of the Maltese government, BlueSeeds trained the national MPA network on financial planning and worked on the validation of their business plan.
Training in financial planning for Albanian protected areas
In Albania, BlueSeeds trained marine and terrestrial protected areas on the financial planning of their conservation activities.
First meeting of the Platform for Cooperation of the Mediterranean FLAGs
On the island of Syros in Greece, BlueSeeds facilitated the first FLAG (Fisheries Local Action Group) working on MPA and socio-economic development.
Training mission for Tunisian NGOs
Our team went to Monastir in Tunisia to strengthen the financial planning skills of three assocations including Notre Grand Bleu, co-manager of the future marine and coastal protected area of the Kuriat Islands.
Support for the financial sustainability of the future MPA of Kuriat, Tunisia
BlueSeeds was in Monastir, Tunisia to support the association Notre Grand Bleu in the development of an efficient and sustainable financial strategy.