Identifying Mediterranean zones suitable for strong protection


Mediterranean Sea

November 2022 – January 2024

Official project name

Non-academic Scoping Study to Identify the Main Opportunities for High and Full Protection in the Mediterranean, Under the Framework of Together for the Med

Affiliation project




Project background

The Mediterranean: an underprotected sea

The Mediterranean Sea hosts 11 per cent of the world’s marine species on a body of water that represents only 1 per cent of the world’s oceans. However, this rich biodiversity is under threat from habitat loss, overfishing, pollution and climate change. Having a regional marine conservation strategy – one in which MPAs play a central role – is vital.

It is those MPAs with strong protection status (high or full protection) that bring the most benefits to the fishing or tourism sectors, for example, in terms of biodiversity protection and socio-economic gains.

Currently, strongly protected areas account for 0.2 per cent of the Mediterranean Sea surface, even though international targets call for coverage of 10 to 30 per cent.

BlueSeeds and Blue Pangolin Consulting have identified a non-exhaustive list of 20 priority zones to place under high protection, equating to 8.5 per cent of the Mediterranean Sea surface.

Our achievements

A study that considers Mediterranean complexities to implement strong protection

It is in this context that BlueSeeds conducted, in partnership with the firm Blue Pangolin Consulting, a feasibility study on behalf of Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy. The aim of the study was to identify opportunities to establish new Highly Protected Marine Areas in the Mediterranean.

The Mediterranean context is complex because it encompasses a variety of economic, political and institutional situations. Establishing the eligibility criteria for a potential protected zone is difficult, as it involves the cross-checking of ecological data, socio-economic data, political will, geopolitical considerations and civil society initiatives.

Our achievements

Identified: 20 zones suitable for strong protection

By analysing patterns of biodiversity and human pressures in the Mediterranean Sea, and comparing these against an analysis by neighbouring countries of opportunities and barriers associated with strong protection, BlueSeeds and Blue Pangolin Consulting identified a non-exhaustive list of 20 areas to prioritise for such protection, equating to 8.5 per cent of the Mediterranean Sea surface. This list also features other protection opportunities in the region.

This study is a tool to guide marine conservation strategies in the Mediterranean Sea, and is suitable for use by various actors, including NGOs, institutions and donors.

This is a staging enviroment

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