Identifying sustainable financing solutions for the Kenya-Tanzania marine conservation area


Transboundary Conservation Area (TBCA) between Kenya and Tanzania

February 2022 – September 2023

Official project name

MPA Sustainable Finance Consultancy Trans-Boundary Conservation Area (TBCA)

Affiliation project

Wildlife Conservation Society Marine Program Kenya




Project background

Threatened marine habitats in the Indian Ocean

The Western Indian Ocean is a socially and biologically diverse region that contains some of the world’s most extensive and most climate resilient coral reefs and mangroves, which are critical sources of food, coastal protection, and income to coastal populations. Yet, the integrity of the region’s ecosystems is threatened by climate change, the overexploitation of fisheries, habitat clearing, and pollution.

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and partners are tackling the issue of deteriorating marine environments in the Western Indian Ocean by expanding MPAs and improving their management.

WCS leads a project on the proposed Trans-Boundary Conservation Area (TBCA) between southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. The project addresses these challenges by supporting improved management of a network of climate resilient, sustainable and effectively managed MPAs. Understanding the cost of this management and identifying and developing potential sources of sustainable financing is essential to meeting conservation objectives for these areas.

BlueSeeds estimated the cost of operating the protected areas, minimum and optimal levels of funding needed to secure conservation outcomes.

Our achievements

Securing sustainable financing for the marine conservation zone

WCS called on the expertise of Hamerkop and BlueSeeds to evaluate funding sources for four marine reserves (under the same management group) in Tanzania (the Tanga Marine Reserves under the Tanzania Marine Parks and Reserves Unit) and one MPA in Kenya (the Kisite Mpunguti Marine National Park and Reserve managed by the Kenya Wildlife Service).

For this project, BlueSeeds estimated the cost of operating the protected areas and determined minimum levels of funding needed to manage each park and reserve system, as well as optimal target funding to secure conservation outcomes.

We then used these results to determine the approximate cost of managing marine parks/reserves per square kilometer in each country.

This is a staging enviroment

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