Producing a business plan for the future Algerian marine protected area Rachgoun


Rachgoun Island, Algeria

July 2023 – September 2023

Official project name

Development of a Business Plan for Rachgoun Island’s Future Marine and Coastal Protected Area in Algeria

Affiliation project

IMAP-MPA project




Dr Mouloud Benabdi

Project background

Rachgoun: an Algerian biodiversity hotspot in need of protection

As part of the Mediterranean Action Plan established under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC) supports the development of numerous Mediterranean MPAs, from the stage of producing a management plan to implementing it.

The SPA/RAC is working to protect the site of Rachgoun, which is of special significance in Algeria owing to its location and its biological richness. Rachgoun Island is one of the priority areas for intervention identified in Algeria’s first National Action Plan for the creation of protected marine and coastal areas, which was launched by the government’s Environment Ministry in 2002.

In addition, with SPA/RAC support, in 2021 the Ministry launched a process to designate the area around the island as a Protected Area. The two partners worked with stakeholders to produce a classification study for Rachgoun Island MPA, as well as a road map and a management plan.

Our work allowed us to make a best estimate of the future MPA’s financial needs in terms of investment and running costs, to assess the funding sources available, and to identify which conservation activities to prioritise.

Our achievements

A financing plan that supports optimum management for the marine protected area

In parallel to the management plan, one of the major workstreams in hand is to develop the future MPA’s short-, mediumand long-term financial strategy. BlueSeeds carried out this work in 2023, in close collaboration with Dr Mouloud Benabdi, an Algerian marine conservation expert.

Our work enabled us to make a best estimate of the future MPA’s needs in terms of investment and running costs, to assess the funding sources available, and to identify which conservation activities to prioritise in the medium and longer term in line with the MPA’s evolving financial situation.

This is a staging enviroment

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