Project background
The funding gap of West African protected areas
Protected areas in West Africa help local communities develop to varied degrees in addition to providing a solution to ecological problems. The region’s protected areas must be properly staffed, have management resources tailored to the local environment, and have the best possible funding, according to the RAMPAO.
The MPAs are experiencing a persistent financial deficit in spite of the government’s attempts to at least partially pay salaries and the financial assistance of some technical and financial partners on a number of projects. They are having trouble paying for their ongoing management expenses, especially those related to minimum surveillance. The majority of the time, employees lack the fundamental abilities needed for technical and accounting management.
While some MPAs possess a management plan, none have a current business plan. Therefore, the local situation suggests a dual need: training MPA staff in the long-term use of this planning tool and creating an updated business plan for each MPA in the region.