
Find out about the progress of the projects we are working on, the results of our field missions and our thoughts on conservation.


October 20, 2021

The BlueMooring team attended the Mediterranean Mooring Forum 2021 in Marseille

The BlueMooring team presented its mooring management solution to mooring site managers operating in the Mediterranean.

On the field

October 10, 2021

A fruitful BlueSeeds bootcamp at the Université Côte d’Azur

At the Université Côte d'Azur, BlueSeeds trained future graduates of the Msc MARRES (Marine Resource Science, Conservation & Innovation) on marine conservation finance during a one-week bootcamp.

On the field

October 5, 2021

We’re back from Mauritania!

BlueSeeds' Training Officer Timothée helped two emblematic marine protected areas of West Africa strengthen their financial planning: the Banc d'Arguin National Park and the Diawling National Park.


September 30, 2021

Our team attended the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2021!

BlueSeeds' team attended the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2021 where we exchanged with our partners and conservation project coordinators after months of distance.

On the field

September 15, 2021

Our mission in Guinea

In Coyah in Guinea, Timothée and Guillaume delivered a training course in business planning to representatives of all the protected areas of Guinea and the Guinean Office of Parks and Reserves (OGUIPAR).

At the office

June 30, 2021

Launch of BlueMooring

BlueSeeds launches BlueMooring, a platform to manage moorings and collect fees which is intended for marine protected area managers.

On the field

June 20, 2021

BlueSeeds is back in Lastovo, Croatia for the second chapter of its incubator

BlueSeeds is back on the island of Lastovo, in Croatia for its Blue Local Incubator, aiming to incubate 7 microenterprises and involve islanders in the local actions of marine conservation.

They talk about us

June 10, 2021

OCTO and NatureServe talk about BlueSeeds’ financing mechanisms!

OCTO - Open Communications for the Ocean included BlueSeeds' Guide on Financing Mechanisms for Marine Protected Areas in its toolbox intended for MPA managers.

They talk about us

June 5, 2021

The report “Ocean of Solutions to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss” by Ocean & Climate Platform is now available

The Ocean & Climate Platform recommends BlueSeeds' Guide on Financing Mechanisms for Marine Protected Areas in its "An Ocean of Solutions" report.
This is a staging enviroment

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