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BlueSeeds is back in Lastovo, Croatia for the second chapter of its incubator
BlueSeeds is back on the island of Lastovo, in Croatia for its Blue Local Incubator, aiming to incubate 7 microenterprises and involve islanders in the local actions of marine conservation.
June 20, 2021
Call for expression of interest, Legal consultancy
BlueSeeds and the WWF launch a call for interests for legal consultancy on the feasability of a mechanism aiming to help small-scale fishers get access to EU subsidies.
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Improved mooring management in the Italian marine protected area Sinis
The BlueMooring team went to Cabras, Sardinia, to implement our mooring management tool BlueMooring on the Sinis Peninsula – Mal di Ventre Island marine protected area.
February 28, 2022