Find out about the progress of the projects we are working on, the results of our field missions and our thoughts on conservation.
July 3, 2020
La conservation marine en réponse aux pandémies
La conservation et la protection de l’environnement vont-elles se cantonner à des enjeux de second plan face au redémarrage économique ?
June 30, 2020
BlueSeeds moves into the Campement, Darwin Ecosystem
Marine conservation moves in the coworking space of the Campement in the Darwin ecosystem in Bordeaux, France.
March 31, 2020
A new support mission for a local NGO in Tunisia
Through its partnership with the CEPF (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund), BlueSeeds helped the Tunisian association Notre Grand Bleu to structure its 2020-2024 management strategy.
February 28, 2020
Results of the call for Blue Businesses
Our call for interests to join our Blue Local Incubator in Lastovo, Croatia resulted in 21 entrepreneur applications to work on the idea of a sustainable island!
February 15, 2020
Together for the Med: a network of 46 conservation actors led by BlueSeeds!
Alongside the IUCN Med, BlueSeeds has been entrusted with the mission to lead a network of 46 partners financed by the MAVA Foundation to reduce the pressures of fishing in the Mediterranean.
November 30, 2019
Business plan for Maltese MPAs
Upon the request of the Maltese government, BlueSeeds trained the national MPA network on financial planning and worked on the validation of their business plan.
November 15, 2019
Sustainable finance for the Mediterranean MPA Managers’ Network
Our team attended the Mediterranean MPA Forum 2019 in Turkey and spoke about sustainable finance.
November 11, 2019
Training in financial planning for Albanian protected areas
In Albania, BlueSeeds trained marine and terrestrial protected areas on the financial planning of their conservation activities.
October 31, 2019
First meeting of the Platform for Cooperation of the Mediterranean FLAGs
On the island of Syros in Greece, BlueSeeds facilitated the first FLAG (Fisheries Local Action Group) working on MPA and socio-economic development.