Since July 2020, BlueSeeds has been entrusted with the mission, alongside IUCN Med, to lead a consortium of 46 partners benefiting from the financial support of the MAVA Foundation.
For several years, these different actors have been working to reduce the impact of fishing on marine ecosystems. Partners include MedPAN (Network of Mediterranean MPAs in the Mediterranean), SPA/RAC (Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre), WWF Mediterranean, ACCOBAMS, GFCM-FAO, BirdLife, as well as many other NGOs and research institutes. The cessation of the MAVA Foundation’s philanthropic activities in 2022 reinforces the need for cooperation and communication across the joint actions of the partnership.
Last week, the BlueSeeds team led a virtual steering committee to propose its action plan for the coming years. To promote each of the 15 projects, an online platform is currently under construction and will be available by mid-March. In addition, we are tasked with measuring the partnership’s overall positive impact in order to promote the joint results of the entire consortium. An exciting mission that we look forward to sharing with you!
Our team and the MIRACETI association organized a meeting on the prospects for the development of High Quality Whale-Watching® certification and its financing.
BlueSeeds' Training Officer Timothée helped two emblematic marine protected areas of West Africa strengthen their financial planning: the Banc d'Arguin National Park and the Diawling National Park.
BlueSeeds was present at the Ocean Pavilion of the 45th G7 summit to talk about marine conservation and MPA financing.
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