BlogOn the fieldBlueSeeds delivered a training on the efficiency and sustainability of conservation projects in Monastir, Tunisia

BlueSeeds delivered a training on the efficiency and sustainability of conservation projects in Monastir, Tunisia

BlueSeeds delivered a training on the efficiency and sustainability of conservation projects in Monastir, Tunisia

From the 8th to the 12th of November 2021, BlueSeeds delivered this training course in partnership with the Notre Grand Bleu association and MedPAN, thanks to the help of the MAVA Foundation.

The objective of this training is to provide participants with several practical tools that will enable them to better understand the working environment of applied marine conservation, and build their capacity to manage marine conservation projects.

Participants came from a wide range of backgrounds and were based in Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. Among them, there were reprensentatives of:

  • The environmental consulting company Abyss Environmental Services;
  • The Agence de protection et d’aménagement du littoral (APAL);
  • The Association de sauvegarde des zones humides du sud tunisien (ASZHST);
  • The Fédération Tunisienne de l’environnement (FTED);
  • The Haut Commissariat Eaux et forêts et lutte contre la désertification (HCFLCD);
  • Méditerranée Action Nature;
  • The Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Ressources Hydrauliques et de la Pêche Maritime;
  • The Notre Grand Bleu association;
  • The environmental consulting company Okianos;
  • The Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (SPA/RAC);
  • The Secrétariat général de la Mer;
  • And the WWF North Africa.

BlueSeeds thanks them for their valuable contributions and for sharing their experiences!

This is a staging enviroment

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