For several months, BlueSeeds has been leading, alongside IUCN Med, a network of 46 partners financially supported by the MAVA Foundation.
All these actors are mobilized around a single objective: to reduce the impact of fishing on marine ecosystems in the Med.
We find for example the network Mediterranean MPAs managers MedPAN, the regional center for specially protected areas of the UN Environment SPA/RAC, WWF Mediterranean, ACCOBAMS, GFCM-FAO, BirdLife and many other NGOs, research centers and local NGOs.
To value each of the actors, we have created an online platform “Together for the Med”, and today we are pleased to announce its release!
Discover our partners and learn more about their success stories in the coming months.
The BlueMooring team went to Cabras, Sardinia, to implement our mooring management tool BlueMooring on the Sinis Peninsula – Mal di Ventre Island marine protected area.
The BlueSeeds team travelled extensively between April and June 2019 to strengthen our network of pilot sites and develop innovative technical solutions for conservation.
Marine conservation moves in the coworking space of the Campement in the Darwin ecosystem in Bordeaux, France.
Elle offre un condensé d’actualités en conservation, les derniers appels à projets et des nouvelles sur nos activités.